On the Cumulative Results of Quantum Measurements
Suppose a spin-zero particle decays into two spin-1/2 particles.
Conservation of angular momentum evidently requires that the "spin
vectors" of the two particles sum to zero. More precisely, if the
spins of these two particles are measured with respect to any given
angle, the particles will necessarily exhibit opposite spins. Thus,
the "exhibited spin vectors" point in opposite directions parallel
to the measurement angle, and their vector sum is zero.
However, suppose we measure the spins of these two particles with
respect to different angles. We know that if a particle's spin is
"measured" along a certain axis, it will necessarily "exhibit" spin
that corresponds to a vector parallel to the axis of measurement, in
either the positive or negative sense. Thus, by measuring the spins
of the two particles along different axes we can ensure that their
exhibited spins are not parallel, so they cannot sum to zero.
In this way we can begin with a spin-zero particle and end up with
two particles that interact with the surroundings by exhibiting
spins whose vector sum is NON-zero. It might be thought that this
presents a problem for the conservation of angular momentum, but of
course the two particles continue to possess spin following their
interactions with the measuring devices, so the "total spin" imparted
to the surroundings is not just the vector sum of the spins exhibited
by the two initial measurements. One could also point out that a
quantum spin "exibition" doesn't actually impart quantum spin to
the surroundings, so the conservation at issue is more subtle.
However, if we take the attitude that "spin is as spin does",
we could perhaps argue that the vector sum of ALL future "spin
exhibitions" by those two particles must be zero. Admittedly, the
empirical content of this assertion is questionable, because we
can never actually evaluate the sum, at least not prior to the
"completion" of the universe (by which time we probably won't
care). Nevertheless, it's interesting to note that in order for
the universe to actually impose such a condition it would need
to place constraints not only on the behavior of the particles
themselves but also on the *circumstances* they encounter.
For example, if one of the particles is measured once along a
direction x, it would not be acceptable for all other exhibitions
of spin of the two particles to be along an axis perpindicular to
x, because then the results could never sum to zero. Thus a
principle of conservation of "exhibited spin vectors" would imply
eventual restrictions on our "choice" of measurement angles as
well as on the particles' responses to those angles.
It might be argued that we could accept violations of this
postulated conservation law as long as they were within the
original quantum uncertainty limits, and that this tolerance
might be adequate to eliminate any effective requirements on
the "environment". However, it appears that if we simply monitor
the exhibited spins of the two particles for a period of time, the
net vector sum would essentially be a random walk, which can reach
positions arbitrarily far from "zero" in any particular direction.
This would then require the environment to give those particles a
sufficient number of opportunities to exhibit spin along that
direction, so that it can ultimately get back to (or even close
to) zero.
In any case, it's interesting that the "net spin vector" resulting
from (the initial) measurements of the two spin-1/2 particles
discussed above is different depending on whether you assume the
pair correlations predicted by QM or those predicted by a typical
"realistic" model. If we represent the individual exhibited spin
vectors by unit complex numbers and assign one of the measurement
directions to the number 1, we can express the "net spin vector"
for a given difference q between the two measurement axes as
S(q) = (1 + exp(iq)) C(q) + (1 + exp(i(q+pi))) (1 - C(q))
where C(q) is the correlation between the two measurements with a
difference angle of q. This is just the weighted average of the
two possible outcomes for this value of q. This reduces to
S(q) = 1 + (2C(q) - 1) exp(iq)
Our two candidates for the correlation function C(q) are
/ (1 - cos(q))/2 Quantum Mechanics
C(q) = (
\ 1 - |(q-pi)/pi)| Simple Realistic
Substituting these into the preceeding equation for S(q) gives the
expressions for the net spin vector resulting from combined spin
measurements on two coupled particles
/ 1 - cos(q) exp(iq) Quantum Mechanics
S(q) = (
\ 1 - (1 - 2|(q-pi)/pi|) exp(iq) Simple Realistic
Splitting up these expressions into their real and imaginary parts
we have
/ [sin(q)^2] - i [sin(q)cos(q)]
S(q) = (
\[1+(1-2|(q-pi)/pi|)cos(q)] + i [(1-2|(q-pi)/pi|)sin(q)]
We could then multiply each of these by exp(iw) where w is the angle
of our first measurement (which we arbitrarily assigned to the number
1), but this just shows that there is circular symmetry of the overall
outcome, so we'll focus on just the relative distribution of net spin
vectors. The results are illustrated below.
The quantum mechanical distribution is a perfect circle centered on
the point (1/2,0), whereas the simple realistic model gives a
"teardrop" shaped distribution. The density of the QM distribution
is uniform as a function of q, with a 2:1 counter-rotating relationship
as illustrated below
| 2nd Measurement Angle
| /
| * * /
| * / *
| * / *
|*/ q *
----|--------------------- 1st Measurement Angle
|* 2q/ *1
| * / *
| * / *
| v * *
| net
| spin vector
The density of the simple realistic model is given by counter-rotating
directions with an overall 2:1 ratio, but it is non-uniform over the
distribution. Taking these respectively as the discrete "steps" for
random walks, we can compare the long-term "positions", and the
difference in positions, of these two distributions, for a given
sequence of q and w values. It would be interesting to know if
these two distributions of "steps" leads to significantly different
random walk characteristics. I believe the mean step size is larger
for the simple realistic model, because it's distributed more heavily
on the outer rim, but the few numerical trials I've done haven't shown
any noticeably greater tendancy for the realistic model to diverge.
As discussed above, the net exhibited spin resulting from measurements
of two spin-1/2 particles taken along directions that differ by the
angle q is
S(q) = 1 + (2C(q) - 1) exp(iq)
where C(q) is the correlation (0 to 1) between the measurements.
We'll now show that the average magnitude of this vector (versus the
angle q) is in fact slightly smaller if we assume the correlation
function predicted by quantum mechanics than if we assume the linear
correlation predicted by a simple realistic model.
The average magnitude based on the QM correlation function is exactly
2/pi = 0.636619... times the unit spin vector. In comparison, the
linear "realistic" correlation gives an average net spin of 0.65733...
spin units, which is about 3% greater. Therefore, the rate of divergence
of net exhibited spin (based on a random walk with these step sizes)
would be less based on the QM correlation. This raises an interesting
question: Of all monotonic functions C(q) passing through the points
(0,0), (pi/2,1/2) and (pi,1), which of them *minimizes* the exhibited
spin divergence?
Since the correlation is really just a function of the absolute
value of q, it's clear that C is an "even" function, i.e.,
C(q) = C(-q). The magnitude of the complex number S(q) is given
___________ ________________________________________
M(q) = / S(q) S(-q) = / 2(1-cos(q)) - 4(1-cos(q))C(q) + 4C(q)^2
Therefore, in summary, we want the function C(q) such that
C(0)=0 C(pi/2)=1/2 C(pi)=1 C(x)=C(-x)
and such that the mean of M(q), i.e., the integral
1 / ________________________________________
--- | / 2(1-cos(q)) - 4(1-cos(q))C(q) + 4C(q)^2 dq
pi /
is minimized. If we denote the integrand by F(q,C,C') we can determine
the function C(q) that makes this integral stationary by the calculus
of variations. Euler's equation gives
-- -- - -- = 0
dq DC' DC
where the D's signify partial derivatives. Since DF/DC' = 0 we have
DF _ 2C - (1-cos(q))
---- = /2 --------------------------------------- = 0
DC sqrt(1 - cos(q) - C2 + 2Ccos(q) + 2C^2)
Therefore, the unique correlation function for spin-1/2 particles that
minimizes the divergence of exhibited spin is
1 - cos(q)
C(q) = ------------
which is the quantum mechanical prediction for the correlation.
We've seen how the correlation between spin measurements of two
spin-1/2 particles as a function of the relative angle of
measurement can be derived from a certain variational principle.
Specifically, the correlation function predicted by QM can be shown
to minimize the mean step-size of the cumulative net spin vector
exhibited by the particles over all possible relative angles of
More generally, it appears that this principle (minimizing the
net unconserved quantities over the range of possible interactions)
underlies all quantum mechanical processes. Adapting Kant's term,
we might describe this principle as the "categorical imperative",
i.e., each individual particle's exhibited behavior is governed
by THE rule that would have to be followed by all such particles
in equivalent circumstances in order to minimize the overall
divergence in the evolution of the net "exhibited" quantities.
To see how this enters into the general quantum process, recall
that in every measurement there is a degree of uncertainty
depending on the precise manner in which the measurement is
taken, i.e., the "basis" onto which we project the state vector
to give the probabilities of the various possible discrete outcomes.
The issue of conservation arises when we consider the interaction
of two or more subsystems. The crucial point is that we're free to
select the bases for our measurements of these various subsystems
independently, and therefore the bases are not, in general,
parallel. As a result, the exhibited behaviors of the subsystems
will not, in general, be equal and opposite, and so each set of
measurements represents a step in a random walk around the point
of strict conservation.
We described this in detail for the case of quantum spin, where
it was shown that the requirement to minimize the divergence from
strict conservation of "exhibited spin" leads directly to the QM
prediction for the correlation of spin measurements of coupled
particles. It seems to me now that this same argument can be used
to derive the QM predictions for ALL quantum processes.
This seems interesting to me because it singles out - more or
less from first principles - the pattern of behavior that yields
the least divergent evolution of net exhibited quantities for any
prescribed set of measurements. This hypothetical pattern of
behavior would be identifiable and significant as a limiting case
even if we knew nothing about quantum mechanics. Also, the fact
that this evolution ultimately implies constraints on the supposedly
free choices of measurement bases (as discussed above) is intriguing.
In addition, the unavoidable evolution of net exhibited quantities,
even in the context of a "conservative process", is suggestive of
a fundamental temporal asymmetry that seems not to have been
considered previously.
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