A permutation x can be regarded as a one-to-one mapping of the integers
{1,2,..,n} to themselves, and we can write j = x(i) to signify that the
permutation x maps i to j. Any group can be represented by a set of
permutations together with the operation of "composition".
To indicate that z is the composition of two permutations x and y
we write z = xy, and this operation is defined by
z(i) = y(x(i)) (1)
Of course, this operation yields a result z whose effect on a set of n
objects is the same as the effect of first applying x and then y to
that set objects. While this is certainly the most natural and useful
way of defining "composition", it's not the only way in which two
permutations could be "composed" to give a third permutation.
Suppose we define z=xy by the relation
z(x(i)) = y(i) (2)
It appears that a given set of permutations together with this
operation constitute a quasi-group if and only if the same set of
permutations together with ordinary composition (1) constitute a
group. In some cases the quasi-group is actually a group, and
isomorphic to the corresponding group using ordinary composition.
However, in many cases the quasi-group is not associative and
does not possess a unique identity element.
For example, consider the set of all possible permutations of 3 items.
The elements of this set are
a = 123 b = 132 c = 213 d = 231 e = 312 f = 321
The "multiplication tables" for these six elements based on operations
(1) and (2) are shown below:
a b c d e f a b c d e f
a a b c d e f a a b c e d f
b b a d c f e b b a e c f d
c c e a f b d c c d a f b e
d d f b e a c d d c f a e b
e e c f a d b e e f b d a c
f f d e b c a f f e d b c a
The right hand table is a quasi-group, because there is no single
"unit" (note that ad=e) and it is not associative (note that [eb]c=d
and e[bc]=a). Each of these has a sub-group (or quasi) of 3 elements
a d e a d e
a a d e a a e d
d d e a d d a e
e e a d e e d a
as well as three isomorphic subgroups of 2 elements, {a,b}, {a,c}, and
{a,f}. As these examples confirm, every quasi-group generated by (2)
has the property that xx=a for every x in the set, and of course any
two of x,y,z in the equation xy=z uniquely determine the third (meaning
that each element appears exactly once in each row and each column).
If we consider the twenty-four possible permutations four items
a = 1234 b = 1243 c = 1324 d = 1342 e = 1423 f = 1432
g = 2134 h = 2143 i = 2314 j = 2341 k = 2413 l = 2431
m = 3124 n = 3142 o = 3214 p = 3241 q = 3412 r = 3421
s = 4123 t = 4132 u = 4213 v = 4231 w = 4312 x = 4321
we find that the following sets of four permutations constitute groups
with either (1) or (2) as the group operation:
{a,b,g,h} {a,c,v,x} {a,f,o,q} {a,h,q,x}
and these groups are all isomorphic to
a b g h
a a b g h
b b a h g
g g h a b
h h g b a
However, the three sets
{a,h,r,w} {a,j,q,s} {a,k,n,x}
constitute either a group or a quasi-group, depending on whether (1)
or (2) is taken as the group operation. In each case, all three are
isomorphic to one of the following:
a h r w a h r w
a a h r w a a h r w
h h a w r h h a w r
r r w h a r w r a h
w w r a h w r w h a
Axiomatically a quasi-group can be defined as a set S together with
some "multiplication" such that
(i) If x and y are in S then xy and yx are in S.
(ii) Any two of x,y,z in the equation xy=z uniquely determine
the third (meaning that each element appears exactly once
in each row and each column of the group table).
By the way, here's an example of a quasi-group with four elements
where the condition x*x=u doesn't hold:
a b c d
a b a d c
b c b a d
c a d c b
d d c b a
If this quasi-group is represented by a set of permutations, I'd be
interested to know the rule of composition that generates this table.
-What fraction of all the quasi-groups of a given order
contain an element u such that xx=u for all x?
-Can every quasi-group be represented by a set of
permutations with some "composition" rule?
I suppose in a sense the answer to the second question is trivially
"yes", because we can dream up an "ad hoc" composition rule that
generates any given quasi-group when applied to any given set of
objects. What I'm really wondering is whether there is a "cannonical
form" of composition rule that will generate all quasi-groups. For
example, if I define the operation z=x*y using the formula z(x(y(i)))=i
then the set of permutations {a=1234, b=2143, c=3421, d=4312} yields
the quasi-group
a b d c
b a c d
d c b a
c d a b
whereas the set {a=1342,b=2431,c=3124,d=4213} gives the quasi-group
a d b c
c b d a
d a c b
b c a d
This illustrates how a single rule of composition can yield distinct
quasi-groups depending on the choice of elements of S_4 to which it is
applied. The latter quasi-group can also be generated using the rule
z(i) = y(x(y(x(i)))) on the same four elements of S_4, so for that
particular quasi-group we have a choice of
z(x(y(i))) = i or z(i) = y(x(y(x(i))))
I imagine we could "index" all the nested formulas of this type and
choose the "lowest" one as the cannonical operation for a given
quasi-group. My question is whether EVERY quasi-group can be
generated by an operation of this type applied to an appropriate
set of permutations.
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